3~10mm Refillable Pens
$5.95 – $29.95
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Nowadays we can find many acrylic pens on the market (such as these and these ones we offer) and, of course, there are plenty of ink-based pens.
However, it may be hard to find a specific colored pen for a drawing, a scale model, or a scrapbooking project.
In that case, you can rely on these refillable pens, available in 8 different sizes. Fill it with your favorite ink, or properly diluted acrylic paint, and start painting.
We have to prepare each shipment individually as they are ordered, so allow it 3-4 weeks to arrive in the USA/Canada (to be safe) and 3-6 weeks rest of the world, though they are usually delivered much faster.

3~10mm Refillable Pens