Paint Bottle Storage / Organizer Suitcase
Do you want to store your paints in a controlled, sealed container? Moreover, do you want to carry some colors with you if you go to a modeling workshop, on vacation, on a busines trip,...?
This convenient suitcase, with slots for 88 bottles in single layer model (17ml bottles, such as the ones used by Vallejo, AK, Ammo...) will allow you to carry all the colors you need with you, or store many paints on a safe container.
The suitcases are made from high-quality materials that can withstand wear and tear, protecting the paint bottles inside.
We have to prepare each shipment individually as they are ordered, so allow it 3-4 weeks to arrive in the USA/Canada (to be safe) and 3-6 weeks rest of the world, though they are usually delivered much faster.