1/35 Stencil For Modern AFV Digital Camo
Many Asian armies, as well as some from other continents, have been using digital pattern camos for a while. And they can also be used in fictional (sci-fi, what-if) vehicles.
They are incredibly eye-catching, but they are virtually impossible to paint unless you use masks.
This set of stencils includes several patterns that you can place on your vehicle to paint these gorgeous camouflages.
Just pick the stencil you want to use, hold it in place using masking tape, and spray paint or paint using an airbrush. Then you can rotate it and put it on a different spot to continue the process.
We have to prepare each shipment individually as they are ordered, so allow it in 3-4 weeks to arrive in the USA/Canada (to be safe) and 3-6 weeks rest of the world, though they are usually delivered much faster.